Rank List Certified! Hurry up and Wait!

So Rank List was due BY March 1st, kind of a tricky date as February only has 28 days so I certified my list 2 weeks ago as to not miss the deadline.

I interviewed at 22 schools, canceled about 5 interviews, and didn’t get 2 interviews over the cycle but I ended up ranking only 14. I didn’t put programs I did not want to go to. Even some prestigious programs I interviewed at I decided to not rank. I keep wondering if that was a mistake but it’s done now and I cannot go back. Match day is March 17th!

Here is a picture that didn’t make it through on the 1st Newsletter due to lack of experience that my wife took on our trip to Disney.


I finished block 7/8 of 4th year today and now I have March off to work on some side projects. This newsletter, YouTube, life, and once Match hits I need to figure out a place to stay wherever I go and figure out how to get rid of all the stuff in the house! Unless I stay here in New Mexico then I will stay where I am currently.

Short Letter today. Please say hi, reply back and let me know what you want to see soon on the newsletter or channel. I am in the “Hurry Up and Wait” stage of Medical school, just like before being accepted into medical school, just like after taking STEP 1. I want to try and keep busy to reduce anxiety. I have been making some really good focaccia bread lately. Here is a pic of one of my recent ones.

Focaccia w/ Mozzarella and Shaved Tomato

Email me back for the recipe. Super easy to make.